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The Kim Power Stilson Radio Show
Click here to listen to the broadcast: http://kimpowerstilson.com/radio/
Today, February 11, 2014, at 1:30pm MST, 2:30pm Central
I will be discussing The Burying Man, The Cleudis Robbins
Memorial Storytelling Contest and much more—
Hope you can listen in!
June 1-9, 2013—Kentucky Book Tour
June 5, 2013— Interview on History Conversation onWCPM-am in Cumberland and on Appalshop Radio in Whitesburg. The program is also podcast from the Appalshop website. More details to follow.
June 6-8, 2013—Genealogy Jamboree, Cumberland Gap, Tennessee, Cumberland Gap National Historic Park, and Wilderness Trail State Park. Invited guest of Bell County Historical Museum. Will be selling and signing The Burying Man—See you there!
July 2013—YaYa Book Club’s reading list. North Richland Hills, Texas.
September 28, 2013—Noe Town Reunion, Middlesboro, Kentucky.
October 4, 2013—Cleudis Robbins Memorial Storytelling Contest. Bell County High School, Pineville, Kentucky.
October 4-5, 2013—Cumberland Mountain Fall Festival. Middlesboro, Kentucky.
November 9, 2013—Author’s Fair, 1-3pm. Lewisville Public Library. Lewisville, Texas.
February 11, 2014—Interview on the Kim Power Stilson Radio Show, Talkworthy at 1:30pm MST, 2:30pm Central I hope you can tune in!http://kimpowerstilson.com/radio/
April 4-5, 2014— Eighth Annual North Texas Book Festival Book Awards. Denton, Texas.
April 2014—To address Friends of the Middlesboro Library, 7pm. Middlesboro, Kentucky. LMU TV will be filming this event. Check their schedule for air dates.
April 12, 2014—Writers Row/Redbud Festival, April 8, 2014. Barbourville, Kentucky.
May 22-25, 2014—Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival. Pineville, Kentucky.
Early June, 2014— Poke Sallet Festival. Gainesboro, Tennessee.
June 12-14, 2014—Genealogy Jamboree. Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
June 13-15, 2014—Mountain Heritage Literary Festival. Harrogate, Tennessee.
October 3-4, 2014—Cumberland Mountain Fall Festival. Middlesboro, Kentucky.
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